In this section you can find the analysis of best practices identified in relation with the organisation of apprenticeships and the role of the intermediary organisations all over Europe.
The best practices have been identified on the basis of specific criteria with specific emphasis on the success and replicability/ repeatability of the practice.
MIC (Inter Centre): A project implemented in Škofja Loka in Slovenia aiming to develop cooperation between the educational sphere and the local and regional economy in the educating and training quality personnel in the field of mechanical engineering, woodworking and environmental protection.
Support services for SMEs: flexible modules: A project implemented in Emsland and Grafschaft Bentheim in Germany aiming to develop flexible modules to support SME in managing and monitoring their apprenticeships.
JobStarter: From University to VET in Electro Sector: A project implemented in Berlin, Germany aiming to provide a VET offer and information to (potential) university drop-outs including match-making.
SIGNALGENERIX LTD: Case study of a company in Limassol Cyprus creating positions for apprenticeships in cooperation with intermediary organisations.
NGO Apprenticeships Development: Case study of an NGO in Limassol, Cyprus that developed its apprenticeship positions through the cooperation of different stakeholders in the local area.
Pharmaceutical Company Apprenticeship: Case study related with the development of apprenticeship positions by a pharmaceutical company in Limassol, Cyprus
The Basque Dual System: The introduction of the dual system in the vocational education and training in Basque country in Spain.
Entrepreneurial student - Vocational Schools Development Programme in Gostynin: Project implemented in the Gostynin area of Poland aiming at the promotion of the cooperation of schools and institutions providing vocational education with employers and labor market institutions aimed at increasing professional qualifications of students as future graduates and improving their employment capacity.
Pearl Stream company: Case study of a young company in a disadvantaged area of Poland (Strzelce Opolskie region) which managed to grow through effective cooperation with the local vocational education centre and other local stakeholders.
Guidance and job Placement services for a better transition of IVET students into the labor market: International project, focusing on three European regions. One of them was Śląskie Voivodeship. The main aim of the project aimed to improve the quality and the cooperation among different stakeholders (LLG services, PES, VET providers and social partners).
Apprenticeship in the Retail Sector in Bulgaria: Development of methodology for Innovative Apprenticeship in the Retail Sector on Apprenticeship providers’ level and on Company level in Dobrich, Bulgaria.
Dual training in "upholstery and decoration": Organisation of dual training in upholstery and decoration in Plovdiv with the active support of the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry
Apprenticeship in tourism in France and in Bulgaria: Organisation of transnational apprenticeship in France for Bulgarian tourism students with the cooperation of intermediary organisations in both countries.
Swiss support for implementing the dual system in the Bulgarian VET system 2015-2019: Creating a model and capacity building to implement the principles of work-based learning in Bulgarian vocational education by different organisations from Switzerland.
Digital Journey innovative approach on apprenticeship management: Website in Latvia publishing intern success stories where they are explaining how the internship was and what they achieved
Dual VET education and apprenticeships, based on German and Switzerland module in Valmiera Glass group JTS: Case study of a Latvian company which organises education programs focused on work-based training and allow candidates to participate in practical training at the work place
School- Enterprise Program in the region of Como: Training method applied in the Oliver Twist vocational training school in Italy; it involves in a wide local partnership teachers, tutors, local craftmen, local entrepreneurs in both planning and formation activities.
Profitecla’s integrated projects in Portugal: VET projects that allow students to be integrated in the work environment in an interesting and attractive way in cooperation with local stakeholders.
Spanish Dual Vocational Training System: The implementation of experimental systems of dual training in Spain
Contract for Training and Learning in Spain: The contract for training and learning aims at the professional qualification of workers, in a system of alternation of paid work in a company, with training activity received under the system of vocational training for employment or the educational system.
SEAT Apprentice School: Case study of the SEAT Apprentice School which opened in 1957, and from then, more than 2.600 students have received training at the School.
Part-time contract with training relationship in Spain: Incentive to part-time hiring with a training relationship which aims to stimulate recruitment, while enabling young people to improve their employability by making training and professional experience compatible. This incentive allows the unemployed to obtain a professional qualification with connection to the job market.
Apprenticeship with taste, “Anastasopoulos Theodoros”: Case study describing a good practice of apprenticeship which took place in the Western Greece in the Prefecture of Achaia in cooperation with local stakeholders.
Vet on the job “Aspasia Alexaki”: Case study of a successful apprenticeship in the company “New Media Soft” at the city of Patras in cooperation with local stakeholders.
TKGUNE: Case study of a company which provides an or which includes advanced training courses and technical services in RDI, with the aim of fostering the continuous improvement and the innovation processes and products of SMEs, which will facilitate their access to emerging and high added value markets.