Action Synergy S.A. (Greece) is the coordinator of the EAPPREN project. It is an ICT R&D, training and knowledge- based applications organization which is actively involved in the development of education technologies, training methodologies and the development of e-learning training courses. Action Synergy S.A. disposes a long experience in the management and coordination of European Projects since its foundation in 1987. It has considerable experience in working for the promotion of work based learning since it was established as a University Enterprise Training Partnership (UETP) aiming specifically at the promotion of work based learning for university students and graduates. It is a member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships. Action Synergy’s S.A. key areas of expertise include: - Promotion of work based learning, Development of Networks between stakeholders, Development of learning methodologies, Development of educational technologies, Development of e-learning and distance learning courses and modules, dissemination and valorisation of European projects, learning needs analysis, development of professional profiles and lists of skills and competencies, development of synergies at local, national and transnational level.

The Federation of Industries of Peloponnese and Western Greece established in 1918, is representing almost all of the manufacturing activity of the geographical area of responsibility (with members more than 230 manufacturing companies), is one of the five (5) Regional Federations of the country.
The majority of the members of the Federation, according to their economic size and employment are classified as SMEs.
The Federation's work is constituted by multi various activities between that is the follow-up, study, research and promotion of subjects of enterprising initiative, the development culture of spirit of solidarity between the enterprises, the collaboration with the public authorities and the organizations of the employees for the strengthens of the social dialogue the attendance in national or international committees, in councils, expos and events, via that are fulfilled economic objectives, also and the growth of initiatives that aims and contributes to the promotion of the general interests of local and regional economy.

Eurosuccess Consulting (Cyprus), through a dynamic team of young scientists provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of modern Cyprus enterprises especially on matters like innovation and technology. EUROSUCCESS identified, from the initial steps of its operations, the need for creating links between the Cyprus economy and the wider European market and put great emphasis on the exploitation of the potentials created by the accession of Cyprus in the European Union.
Today EUROSUCCESS offers a variety of services to the Public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It has also started to actively participate in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder.
EUROSUCCESS aims to a constant improvement of its offered services, as well the development of its team which will give the opportunity to enhance its scientific sector of expertise.
Eurosuccess is currently involved into more than 35 Lifelong Learning, ERASMUS + and JUSTICE Programmes – in three of them as coordinator, as well as is one of the assessors for the Cypriot NA and the Norwegian Funds, targeted to NGOs.
In addition, Eurosuccess Consulting is a member of the: International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI).
The philosophy of Eurosuccess Consulting is embraced within the following four principles: Execute, Review, Improve, Redesign. Through this approach, Eurosuccess is aiming towards continuous improvement of its counselling and development activities. For this purpose, the organization is certified with the Quality system of ISO 9001:2008, which inspects and reviews the system at regular basis.
Furthermore, Eurosuccess Consulting, is an accredited VET Center from the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education.

The Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry was established in its present form in 1962 and represented the first concerted effort of the Limassol business community to have one organisation to defend its interests and promote the economic development of the Limassol district.
From its very inception the Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry has played a leading role in the economic life of Limassol, either by operating as a pressure group towards the realisation of vitally important economic projects or by developing concrete initiatives of its own in that direction.
Starting as far back as the early 1960s, the Chamber has played an instrumental role in the pursuit of projects fundamentally important for the economic and social development of Limassol. Not least of these were the Limassol Industrial Estates, the Limassol port which is to this day the largest of its kind in Cyprus. the Kourris dam, the marina, and the Cyprus University of Technology
It was also the Limassol Chamber that conceived and implemented, again in the early 1960s, the idea of the Wine Festival, which has come to be associated with the modern history of Limassol as an event of commercial, tourist and cultural interest.
Over the years the Limassol Chamber has continued to be at the forefront of initiatives aiming to achieve optimum economic development for Limassol. In that context it has expressed keen and active interest, among others, in road projects, the Techno Park as well as in a series of tourist infrastructure projects, such as the conference centre, the casino and others.
Primary objectives
The fundamental objectives of the Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry are the following:
To defend and promote the interests of its members, in the context of the overall economic development of Limassol
To promote economic activity in the context of contributing to the economic and social development of Limassol and facilitating the opening of new business opportunities for its members.
To contribute towards the decision making process of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry which has a consultative say in the formulation of Government policy.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) provides essential services for enterprises operating in Slovenia, and it is the ideal local partner for foreign investors. The CCIS was founded more than 160 years ago and now has 7,000 member companies of all sizes and from all regions. It is a non-profit, non-governmental, independent business organization representing the interest of its members and is Slovenia's most influential business association. CCIS unites under its roof 24 branch associations representing all sectors of Slovenian Economy. CCIS operates a network of 13 regional chambers.
CCIS has the status of a representative Chamber of Commerce and is thus partner for the government in preparing legislation and policy strategies. CCIS is member in numerous government bodies, boards and committees, supporting them with knowhow and expertise.
CCIS is a social partner organization and signatory party of more then 20 branch collective agreements, agreements on minimum pay and the Social agreements. CCIS is member of the Economic and Social Council in Slovenia.
The CCIS can provide its members with the support of more than 100 experts and specialists in a broad range of sectors in Slovenia, from commerce and industry to tourism and services.
As a member of Eurochambres (the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), as well as other international associations and organisations, the CCIS is part of an extensive international network with innumerable contacts.
CCIS is involved in numerous national and international projects related to research and development, business and entrepreneurship, internationalization, social issues (equal opportunities, social dialogue, …) as well as training and education.
For foreign investors in Slovenia, the CCIS can offer business information, consulting services, event management, and access to Slovenia's innovative groups, potential projects and technology transfer opportunities. The CCIS has compiled an extensive data base on Slovenia’s business sector and maintains up to date analyses on economic trends as well as on funding opportunities through EU and other funding programmes; all this information is available to members.
The CCIS also assists companies with mediation and licences, permits and other essential documents, and it regularly organises workshops, networking events, meetings with government officials, and seminars on particular issues of interest to the business sector.
One special service the CCIS provides is access to its own state of the art conference facilities which can accommodate up to 600 participants, and the CCIS events team can organise any type of event.The CCIS also has fully equipped offices available for rental.
The CCIS is working hard to enhance Slovenia's business sector and to create more opportunities which will attract foreign direct investment, particularly in high value added activities. It will continue to serve as the partner of choice for Slovenia based companies.
Northern Chamber of Commerce is an independent organization set up to protect and represent the interests of the associated entrepreneurs. It established in 1997 in Szczecin, on the initiative of 60 companies. Since its inception, maintains regular contacts with more than 150 organizations with similar business profile, operating on the Polish territory and Europe. The dynamic development and the acquisition of new members of the Chamber of position lies in the heart the largest Chamber of Commerce in Poland. Currently it brings together nearly 1500 companies.
Systematically expanding the territorial scope of its activities. Northern Chamber of Commerce troops are already in five cities: Swinoujscie, Koszalin, Wałcz, Myśliborz and Choszcznie.
The purpose of the daily efforts of employees of the Northern Chamber of Commerce is to create conditions for the development and modernization of economic life, supporting initiatives of members and to promote the development of interregional and international economic relations.
What the Chamber is preparing to affiliated companies a wide range of free and subsidized training, consulting, tourism and business trips, regular events and social integration. It is also implementing a number of EU projects affecting the economic development of the whole region.
Northern Chamber of Commerce has a real impact on the business, not only in Western Pomerania, but throughout Poland. Its representatives often occur in the roles of experts to advise the authorities and institutions of business environment. They can also take matters into their own hands, citing industry committees and clusters of entrepreneurs fighting prejudicial regulations.
The Fundación General Universidad de Granada Empresa is non profit private institution created in 1989 with the objective of promoting the establishment of permanent connection channels between the University of Granada and its nearest socio-productive context.
The Fundación General Universidad de Granada Empresa is an entity specialized in the design, organization and development of training actions for graduate and postgraduate students. The Foundation also fosters strategies oriented to promote the lifelong learning between professionals, companies and organizations of its nearest context.
Moreover, the Foundation develops regional, national and transnational projects oriented to encourage the integration of unemployed in the labour market, especially university graduates as well as the promotion of the self-employment and entrepreneurship.
Finally, in the area of innovation, the Foundation supports the creation of spin-offs and start-ups and offers technological advice to firms and researchers for the development of R+D+I projects.
Some figures of the Fundación General Universidad de Granada Empresa:
More than 25 years committed with training.
More than 2.500 training actions organized.
More than 137.000 students.
More than 50 nationalities between our students.
More than 70 collaborative companies for the realization of placements.
More than 15 transnational projects in the last five years in collaboration with more than 30 recognized European public and private institutions.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Dobrich is an autonomous non-governmental organisation established to support local entrepreneurial activities and to enhance regional economic development and prosperity. The chamber’s main goals include the encouragement of international trade and investment as well as serving as a reliable representative of its local members at the national and international level.
There are currently around 200 members of the chamber, consisting of both private and public companies in the region of Dobrich.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Dobrich offers its members and external clients a comprehensive portfolio of consultation and information services, including: trade register entries, certification of official documentation, information on investment, funding and partnership opportunities, access to international databases, a full package of business services for company missions, international fairs and company presentations, qualification seminars and courses, business planning, market research, specific contracts with foreign companies, legislative (national and European Union law) accounting consultations, translations and legislation services. Built on the foundations of the former EuroInfo Centre, in 2008 the Dobrich Chamber became a regional node within the larger information and consultation network for enterprises established by the European Commission – the Enterprise Europe Network. Within this network the Chamber provides services on innovative development, business co-operation, and participation in national and international programmes to the North East planning region.
The 200 members of the chamber include: electrical construction maintenance and repair companies, manufacturers of construction supplies, a college of technology, engineering and construction companies, agricultural equipment and machinery manufacturers, agricultural producers and others. The chamber supports innovation and research in these companies by providing free advice for its members as well as in the inclusion of databases for business cooperation. The chamber has been involved in projects promoting innovation in the region such as INNOCOOP which aims at training those in the region on innovative methods of collaboration through the internet. It was also a partner in the EURO Dobrudja project which aimed at organising support services and the implementation of business innovation by offering integrated business services.
European Forum on Vocational Education & Training (EFVET) is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries.
Its mission is to promote quality and innovation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training throughout Europe and to develop collaboration, mutual co-operation and sharing of good practice. EFVET also give colleges a platform of influence in European TVET policy and provide a transnational framework to support all co-operative actions aimed at enhancing and improving technical and vocational education and training.
EfVET has a key role in representing its members and contributing to EC policy debate on behalf of the VET sector EfVET is involved in the process of Lifelong Learning via EUCIS (European Civil Society Platform for Lifelong Learning)
Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is a voluntary, non-governmental organization, which unites different types of enterprises - micro, SME’s as well large-sized companies from all regions and economic sectors of Latvia. Representing individual companies, industry associations as well city business clubs and other businessmen unions, LCCI became the largest politically independent organization with more than 1500 Members. There are different reasons why enterprises choose to become the part of LCCI – LCCI represents the interests of entrepreneurs in governmental institutions on both state and regional level, as well offers wide list of services, as a result ensuring that there are excellent companies in the excellent and successful business environment in Latvia. Overall LCCI works in the following areas: 1)Business environment, 2)Lobbying, 3)Competitiveness, 4)Export and 5)Arbitration. LCCI has been already the voice and representative of Latvian enterprises more than 80 years.
LCCI has 7 regional departments which are located in the biggest regional towns of Latvia. Regional departments actively work in all LCCI fields, providing services for those enterprises, which are located too far from the capital.
The strongest part of LCCI is based on its fully-fledged Membership in the international network of commerce and industry chambers – the Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES) as well International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). LCCI is a Member of The Hanse-Parlament association as well.