5th Transnational Project Meeting - Greece
The 5th Transnational project meeting will be held in Patras, Greece on 22-23/11/2018.
5th Transnational Project Meeting - Greece
The 5th Transnational project meeting will be held in Patras, Greece on 22-23/11/2018.
The Matching Skills Tool
The Matching Skills Tool is up and running: http://skillmatch.eappren.eu
EAPPREN e-learning
The project's e-learning platform is up and running: http://www.actione-learn.eu/eappren/frontpage/index.php/en
Face to face seminar in Cyprus
The Limassol Chamber of Commerce & Industry successfully completed the Face-to-face Seminar for SMEs and Stakeholders within the framework of the EAPPREN project which took place 14/6/2018.